Discipline No. 5/
Más allá del fin No. 3
Edited by Helen Hughes and David Homewood (Discipline Nº 5); Carla Macchiavello and Camila Marambio (Más allá del fin Nº 3); and designed by Robert Milne.
Discipline, Más allá del fin (translating to ‘discipline beyond the end’)—represents an effort to map a South–South relationship between Chile and Australia, and even more specifically, between its southernmost island tips: Tierra del Fuego and Tasmania. For centuries, the Northern imagination conceived of these places as the very personification of distance itself, whereas the editors of Más allá del fin refer to Tierra del Fuego as ‘the centre of the known universe’. In addition to publishing a range of essays on modern and contemporary art, this joint issue recentres and forges new connections between Southern perspectives, generating a dynamic and relational art history of the contemporary.
Contents 3 5 17 21 27 37 45 53 69 73 79 91 93 103 117 129 133 139 153 165 192
Más allá del fin No. 3 1 Appropriate Beginning 3 Reflexive Anthropology 7 13 15 Deep Time 20 22 29 Haunting Film 31 37 42 Poetic Instauration 44 44 49 Ethics of Place 49 53 57 Funga 59 68 70 Travellers 75 81 84 Weaving Hands 85 88 90 Medium Specificity and Translation 90 95 99 Curriculum and Climate 101 104 109 Questioning Reflexivity 110 117 121 P.S. 122 123 Discipline, Más allá del fin has been supported by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body and Monash Art Design and Architecture, Monash University.
Editorial by Helen Hughes
Ponch Hawkes in Context: Documenting Collectivism by Maggie Finch
Intimacy with Strangers: Nat Randall and Anna Breckon’s The Second Woman by Susan Best
Three Images of Environmental Crisis by Nicholas Croggon
Inventing Eric Michaels by Quentin Sprague
Horizon Lines: On Tom Nicholson’s Lines that could be scars by Tara McDowell
The National Picture: Greg Lehman interviewed by Helen Hughes and Paris Lettau
We Don’t Really Need This/BELL Invites by Richard Bell and Clothilde Bullen
An Indigenous Intervention: Richard Bell’s Salon des Refusés at the 2019 Venice Biennale by Ann Stephen
A Partial Account of EMBASSY 2019: Venice by Zoë De Luca
The Austere Aesthetic Vanishes: The Düsseldorf School of Photography and the Perfectly Constructed Image by Alexander Alberro
THE CUT by Aurelia Guo
Udo Sellbach: Seeing it, Still by Andrew McNamara and Wiebke Gronemeyer
‘A Mute and Inglorious End’: Foreign Sculpture Students in Munich, 1945–49, and the German Figurative Tradition by Jane Eckett
The UnAustralian Artworld by Rex Butler and A. D. S. Donaldson
Pure E vol. 1, 2019 by Hana Earles
The Naked Contract by George Egerton-Warburton
Shaping Young Minds: On Religion, Pedagogy, and the Art of Michael Stevenson by Anna Parlane
Affinity in the State of Emergence: Donna Haraway, Lili Reynaud-Dewar, and Alicia Frankovich by Pip Wallis
A Lightness of Spirit is the Measure of Happiness by Kimberley Moulton, Yorta Yorta
Aniconism: Thomas Crow, No Idols: The Missing Theology of Art by Francis Plagne
Editorial by Carla Macchiavello and Camila Marambio
Juan Dávila interviewed by Carla Macchiavello and Camila Marambio
For a Cultural Future: Francis Jupurrurla makes TV at Yuendumu by Eric Michaels
Noreshi Towai by Juan Downey
The Belly of the Beast: Eric Michaels and the Anthropology of Visual Communication by Jay Ruby
Verso l’infinito by Lucy Bleach
Archipelagic Wanderings in Trowunna by Denise Milstein
Images of the Invisible by Catalina Valdés
An Archive for the Future, Seeing through Occupation by Macarena Gómez-Barris
Aperture, Apparition, Apparatus: An Incantation for Ghostly Machines by Tessa Laird
Is What We See “Normal”? by Carolina Saquel
The Blow by Greg Lehman
‘Instauring’ Aboriginal Art by Stephen Muecke and Melinda Hinkson
Coda: Instauring Artful Anthropology by Lisa Stefanoff
The Subantarctic Imagination Versus the Southern Mindset by Joaquín Bascopé
Understanding Human Agency in Terms of Place: A Proposed Aboriginal Research Methodology by Mary Graham
Resisting Genocide by Hema’ny Molina
Searching for Slime Moulds in Northern Tasmania by Sarah Lloyd
A WhatsApp Conversation between Giuliana Furci and Nico Arze
Reimagining Fungi—A Foray in the Mycobiome by Alison Pouliot
‘Helpless’ in Tierra del Fuego: Baldwin Spencer’s Last Journey by John Kean
Sur by Ursula K. Le Guin
Expedition, Exploitation, and Museum Collections by Bec Carland
ÆS JÁLA-KAWÉSQAR KUTEKÉ ČE = ‘My Ancestor and Me’ by Patricia Messier Loncuante
Retracing the History of Tasmanian Aboriginal Shell Necklaces by Lola Greeno
Vínculos tejidos entre sur–sur, Woven south–south links by Josefina de la Maza
Paratactic Notes on the Living Poetry of the Valparaíso School by María Berríos
The Sub Scene, Post-Cinema, and Global Media Flows by Tessa Dwyer and Ramon Lobato
Why This Happy Rage?: Tamil Pathways Across the South by Kevin Murray
Fishy Beginnings by Astrida Neimanis
Los Nudos Vuelven a la Mar: Coastal Curriculum and Intergenerational Embodied Learning by Sarita Gálvez
On Fishy Knowings and North/South Wanderings by Iris Duhn
Oda a Ivette/Ode to Ivette by Camila Marambio
Brief Notes About Dust, Twirls, and Some Horses by Carla María Macchiavello
Ensayos Methodologies by Helen Hughes
Utility, Uselessness, and Speculative Study: On Ensayos by Carlos Garrido Castellano
Useless by Christy Gast
304 pages, 230 × 300 mm, Softcover, Edition of 500, 2019, ISSN 1839-082X